
The Glue
"They were called 'the dream of every mother-in-law', 'choirboys', 'gifted vocalists with an inclination towards the absurd' and finally 'mouth acrobats'. (...) The Glue is showing an amazing large musical spectrum: The Glue manages the skills of music styles such as Salsa, Reggae, Drum'n'Base, Funk or Classical only with the mouth... And even more unbelievable: All songs are not only performed, but also written and arranged by The Glue!"
Selbst geschriebenes, absurdes, witziges, tiefsinniges und ernst gemeintes der A-capella-Band The Glue am Sonntag, 25. November, 17.15 Uhr im Forum Würth. Eintritt Fr. 15.--, Reservation unter Tel. +41 61 705 95 95 oder per E-Mail an forum at Don't miss it!
- zum Reinhören: The Glue auf Myspace
wanderer - 24. Nov, 07:27